Campaign 'Don't let musical talent come to a standstill'

Sign and share the petition: ! With the campaign ‘Laat Muzikaal Talent Niet Stilvallen’ (Don’t Let Musical Talent Fall Still), six musical talent organisations that are in danger of losing all their government subsidies despite a positive assessment want to appeal to not let the Jong Oranje of music disappear. The appeal goes out to politicians, in particular the Minister of Education, Culture and Science and the House of Representatives, to correct this mistake and to prevent the entire basis of the Dutch music sector from being swept away. Musical talent does not grow by itself! All children in the Netherlands deserve the opportunity to develop their musical ambitions, their dreams and talents. The ever-growing music-loving public deserves music, singing, concerts and orchestras now and in the future. A future without music is unthinkable. Sign the petition now at and help the National Youth Orchestras of the Netherlands, the Princess Christina Competition, Vocal Talent Netherlands/The National Choirs, the Ricciotti Ensemble, the Dutch Violin Competition and Britten for Young Musical Talent to continue to exist. Add your signature and support all young, talented singers and musicians. So that musical talent can continue to grow. Photo: Foppe Schut

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