
Last NJO summer project started

10 augustus 2021

After a wet but nevertheless successful series of performances of Sirene (Siren) by the NJO Brass Ensemble, melodic sounds by the NJO Tuba Quartet and the dazzling results of improvisation sessions by the NJO Tim Kliphuis Ensemble, the rehearsals of the NJO Symphony Orchestra started on Monday 9 August. Under the direction of conductor Alexandre Bloch, 79 musicians are working on three concerts under the title 'Naar een nieuwe wereld' ('Towards a new world'). The program includes works by Bernstein, Copland and the Symphony No. 9 by Antonin Dvoƙák, known as 'From the New World'. View the full program and information about tickets for Het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the closing concert in Theatre Orpheus in Apeldoorn in the upcoming events.

Impressions of the three completed NJO projects since 30 July 2021
Photos NJO goes gypsy & Sirene: Coen Wouters
Photos NJO Tuba Quartet: May van Hal

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