TEST apply friend NJO Surname and Last name Address ZIP Code and City Country Telehone number Additional phone number Email address Friends package Orchestra Friend (from € 27,50 per year) Ensemble Friend (from € 55,- per year) Soloist Friend (from €110,- per year) Extra annual donation Contribution Extra single donation Contribution Bank account (IBAN) Declaration of agreement * I authorise Stichting Vrienden van het NJO (Friends of the NJO) to collect my annual contribution by direct debit (taking place around May 25th each year). By completing this registration form, I agree that the Stichting Nationale Jeugdorkesten Nederland (NJON) (National Youth Orchestras of the Netherlands Foundation) will store my personal data for the purpose of annual payment, sending newsletters and messages and handling discounts at ticket sales. The data will not be passed on to third parties. Apply